Spring 2004 Vol. 13, No. 1




To the Editor:

I have to write in response to Scott Ballentine’s Letter to the Editor in the Winter 2003 copy of The Woodland Steward. I agree that “into perpetuity” is a very long time for conservation easements, but I challenge anyone to drive a familiar highway and note the devastation caused by those who trusted to fate or whatever to take care of their much loved and protected land. For how many years have owners protected the forests and wildlife of their precious property only for those who have outlived them to watch the loggers and bulldozers strip what was protected with utmost care for whole lifetimes of the previous owners? How many times have you asked yourself if the previous owner was turning in his grave as all sizes of trees fell, wildlife fled in search of a new home, and yes, even the soil washed into the nearest stream? The temptation of big dollars is far too great to leave a lifetime of conservation to fate. I know of no other way to save this earth and our forests other than conservation easements. If there are other vehicles to protect our land, I’d like to know what it is.

Sincerely yours,

Mary Clashman


