Winter 2005 Vol. 14, No. 1
March 1-3, 2005 • Jeffersonville, Indiana Ramada Inn Riverfront • (800-537-3812)
Purpose: To provide registrants with a detailed introduction to the NHLA grading rules as well as ample hands-on experience in grading various species of hardwood lumber. Additional information on lumber manufacturing practices will also be provided. Audience: Individuals wishing to develop lumber grading skills, “self taught” graders wishing to confirm details with the national inspectors, purchasing agents, supervisors and anyone wishing to understand this basic underpinning of the entire hardwood grade industry.
Instructor: Mark Horne, Chief Inspector, NHLA will conduct the lumber grading session; Daniel Cassens, Purdue University will present information on sawing, edging and trimming; drying; and what buyers and sellers need to know.
Registration: The registration fee is $200. The fee covers the cost of the NHLA rules book, other materials, breaks, and lunch. If you pre-register and cannot attend, refunds will be made until February 25, 2005.
Tuesday, March 1, 2005
7:45 a.m. Registration
8:00 a.m. - Cutting Unit Method; Clear Face Cuttings; Lumber
5:00 p.m. Characteristics (What’s Clear, What’s Not); General Instruction;
Standard Grades; FAS Grade; Demonstration of Board Grading
12:00 p.m. Lunch
12:45 p.m. Wood-Moisture Relationships and Drying, Cassens
1:15 p.m. Continue Lumber Grading
Wednesday, March 2, 2005
8:00 a.m. 1 Common; FAS One Face; Selects; 2A Common; 3A Common; Use of Lumber Rule; Practice Grading; Species Exception
11:00 a.m. Continue Lumber Grading
12:00 p.m. Lunch
12:45 p.m. Continue Lumber Grading
2:00 p.m. Bucking, Sawing, Edging, and Trimming Practices, Cassens
2:30 p.m. Continue Lumber Grading
Thursday, March 3, 2005
8:00 a.m. More Species Exceptions; More Practice Grading; Kiln Dried Rules; Surfaced Lumber Rules; Sales Code; NHLA Services
12:00 p.m. Lunch
12:45 p.m. Continue Lumber Grading
2:00 p.m. What Buyers and Sellers Should Know About Each Other;
Structure of the Industry, Cassens
2:30 p.m. Continue Lumber Grading
4:00 p.m. Conclude
Friday, March 4, 2005 • New Albany, Indiana (near Louisville)
Purpose: The highest valued use of our hardwood resource is for fine face veneers and excellent markets have always existed for “perfect” trees and logs. However, marketing of “somewhat less than perfect” trees and logs can present a challenge. The practicing forester may not be exactly sure what a particular veneer buyer can accept and why he will or will not take certain trees. Furthermore, the markets for the veneer itself change.
This program is designed to facilitate a better understanding of veneer quality logs and trees as well as the veneering process itself. This is your unique opportunity to listen, observe, and discuss the many aspects of the resource – logs and trees – which sustains this fascinating wood industry.
Audience: Practicing foresters, consultants, log producers and other land managers.
Instructor: Mill management will be the presenters.
Registration: The registration fee is $25. The fee covers the cost of breaks and lunch. If you pre-register and cannot attend, refunds will be made until April 9. Tour hosts reserve the right to review registration lists and to prohibit employees of direct competitors from participating in the tour.
Lodging: Ramada Inn, Jeffersonville, 800-537-3812
Safety: Each attendee assumes responsibility for his/her own safety. Please bring a hard hat, earplugs, safety glasses and steel-toed shoes. This equipment is required.
Friday, March 4, 2005
8:00 a.m. Registration. Meet in Lobby area of B. L. Curry and Sons, Inc. show room at 1014 E 6th Street, New Albany, IN
8:15 a.m. Overview of Diamond Export and B.L. Curry and Sons and planned activities
12:00 p.m.- Examination of Veneer Grade Logs. Jeff Wilkinson.
12:45 p.m. This presentation will include a discussion of the factors (growth defects and characteristics, site factors, insect and fungal damage, log length, color, mineral stain, log freshness, etc.) which affect the grade and value of hardwood veneer logs.
1:00 p.m. Examination of Sample Veneers. B. L. Curry Management. At this time the many factors which affect the grade and value of veneer logs will be shown in the processed veneer.
2:00 p.m. Veneer Slicing, Drying and Clipping. Tour of the facility
3:30 p.m. Summary
April 21-22, 2005 • Greencastle, Indiana
Purpose: To provide participants with the opportunity to develop a working knowledge of the U.S. Forest Service hardwood log grades and their relationship to lumber grades and product utilization; the opportunity to become familiar with and to recognize defect indicators and their importance in determining log quality; and to illustrate the application of log grading to standing timber.
Audience: Anyone needing a basic understanding of how log and tree quality affects final lumber value will find the session useful. These include portable mill operators, foresters and consultants responsible for timber sales, as well as log and timber buyers, mill personnel, loggers and landowners.
Instructor: Daniel Cassens, Wood Products Specialist, Department of Forestry & Natural Resources, Purdue University, will instruct the program. Cassens has 30 years of experience with the hardwood industry and has made numerous presentations on hardwood quality and log grading to the NHLA, industry groups, portable mill operators and universities.
Registration: Enrollment is limited. If you pre-register and cannot attend, refunds will be made if we are advised by noon on April 15th. The registration fee is $100 per person which covers the cost of instruction, lunch, breaks, and handout materials. The cost of other meals and lodging are not included in the course fee. Specific meeting locations will be provided to the registrants.
Equipment: Participants should bring their own lumber rule and log scale sticks, if available as well as a calculator. Also bring your rain gear in the event of inclement weather.
Safety: Each attendee assumes responsibility for his/her own safety. Please bring a hard hat, earplugs, safety glasses and steel-toed shoes. This equipment is required.
Thursday, April 21, 2005
8:00 a.m. Registration
11:00 a.m.- Fundamentals of Hardwood Lumber Grading and
11:45 a.m. Terminology with Practice Grading Hardwood Log Grades and Tree Grades, What Constitutes a Defect, Relationship to Lumber Grades Using Published Lumber Yield Data to Predict Log and Tree Value
1:00 p.m. Grading, Felling, and Bucking Trees and Logs in the Purdue University Nelson Stokes Woods
5:30 Conclude
Friday, April 22, 2005
8:00 a.m. Sawing of Graded Logs and Accumulation of Lumber at the Woods by Individual Log and Tree Grade
10:00 a.m. Grading of Lumber by Log
1:00 p.m. Discussion of Lumber Yield Data, Comparison to Published Tables, Value Calculations
3:00 p.m. Conclude