Volume 3 #1, Winter 1994



by Ed Hansen

The Indiana Heritage Trust program was established by the 1992 Indiana General Assembly. The purpose of the program is the acquisition of real property that:

1. Is an example of outstanding natural features and habitats;

2. Has historical and archeological significance;

3. Provides areas for conservation, recreation, and the restoration of native biological diversity."

Specific types of acquisitions are to include land for new and existing state parks, state forests, nature preserves, fish and wildlife areas, wetlands, trails, and river corridors. The program will ensure that Indiana's rich natural heritage is preserved or enhanced for succeeding generations.

The Heritage Trust program is administered by two committees:

1. The Project Committee, composed of six DNR division directors and ten citizen members representing the environmental community, the academic community, organized hunting and fishing groups, the forest products community, and the parks and recreational community. The Project Committee reviews acquisition proposals and recommends projects to the Trust Committee.

2. The Trust Committee consists of 16 members: the 12 members of the Natural Resources Foundation and four members of the Indiana General Assembly. The Trust committee must approve projects and recommend them to the governor for final approval. Funding sources for the Indiana Heritage Trust consist of:

Funding sources for the Indiana Heritage Trust consist of:

  1. An Environmental License Plate with an annual fee of $25.
  2. Appropriations which may be made by the Indiana General Assembly as a line item in the biennial budget.
  3. Money donated to the Indiana Heritage Trust Fund.
  4. Money transferred to the fund from other funds.
  5. Interest that accrues from investments of money in the Heritage Trust Fund.

The Indiana Heritage Trust became operational on September 28, 1993, when the Trust Committee approved a strategic plan. The plan was developed by the Project Committee with the guidance of the Trust Committee. The strategic plan clarifies the goals, objectives, and strategies to carry out the purposes of the program. The first objective is to increase DNR landholdings by at least 5,000 acres, with acreage increase in each of the five project accounts by December 31, 1996.

The deadline for the first phase of acquisition proposals is February 1, 1994. However, Dennis McGrath, chairman of the Project Committee, has encouraged early submission of proposals for consideration at the November 22, 1993 meeting of the Project Committee This early action will provide a tangible product and an expression of the value of the program.

Funding for the Indiana Heritage Trust is being provided mainly from the sale of the Heritage License Plate. With the first plate year (1993) about over, sales have totaled approximately 29,000 plates. The special fee of $25 per plate has now provided $725,000 for the Trust. The closest special plate competitor is Indiana University with sales of around 12,000 plates.

The Environmental License Plate, featuring a bald eagle with the sun in the background was designed by Donna McCarty of Communico, Indianapolis. Ms. McCarty is active in environmental affairs.

Why is the Trust important? Currently, less than 3% of Indiana's total land acreage is available for outdoor recreation and conservation purposes. Indiana ranks last in overall comparisons of public sector acres when compared to surrounding states. The Indiana Heritage Trust is a giant step forward in conserving and protecting Indiana's past for the future.


You may purchase your license plate by mail or in person at your branch of the Bureau of Motor Vehicles. If you currently have a Heritage Trust plate, the registration form will indicate the total due. This includes $25 which is directly deposited in the Heritage Trust Fund and a $10 processing fee for the Bureau of Motor Vehicles. If you do not currently have a Heritage Trust plate, simply enclose a note indicating you are including an additional $35 for the IHT plate. If you go in person to the license branch, simply tell them you would like an Environmental License Plate.