Winter 2003 Volume 12, Number 3
Message From the President
By Stewart Turner, Consultant Forester
Another year has passed and many things have changed at the Woodland Steward Institute. As the president of the Institute I have had to struggle with keeping finances in line with our ever growing mailing list. Every year we are able to find names and addresses of woodland owners that could benefit from reading the Woodland Steward newsletter. We get these names from membership lists of our member organizations, from county land ownership surveys, and from landowners requesting a subscription.
This past year we have stretched our mailing and production budget to the limit. Because of the increase in production and the increase in our mailing list we had to cut back to producing and mailing only 3 newsletters this year.
Over the years the Woodland Steward Institute has discussed several cost saving ideas. The most poplar has been to lower the quality of the paper that we produce the newsletter on. We’ve resisted this change in quality because we believe that it is important to the feel of the newsletter. With this issue we will be trying something new. We decided to weed out the landowners that don’t read or want the newsletter. With this reduction in the mailing list we should be able to get back on our production track. To continue to receive this newsletter you must fill out the enclosed envelope and return it to this office, or email us. If you choose to make a financial contribution, that will help even more. Those that return the envelope will remain on the mailing list those who do not return the envelope will be purged.
Your donations go toward producing this quality newsletter for 35,000 woodland owners around Indiana, most of them receive the newsletter, some are part of the 14,000 hits we receive on our web site each year. Contributions can be made by using the enclosed envelope or on our web site with a credit card using PayPal. With your support we can continue to produce this award winning newsletter informing Indiana woodland owners about woodland management.