Spring 2001 Volume 10, Number 1

ATTENTION LANDOWNERS! Be a member of the Indiana Forestry & Woodland Owners Association

The Indiana Forest and Woodland Owners Association (IFWOA) is a non-profit association, founded in 1977, providing education, leadership and programs to foster out-standing forest stewardship objectives, to encourage the protection and proliferation of wildlife, and to preserve and protect natural resources. IFWOA supports the thoughtful utilization of our total forest resources to better serve the citizens of Indiana and the generations to follow. IFWOA is 650 members strong and represents more than 125,000 acres in Indiana. Recognizing the national nature of many forestry issues, IFWOA is an independent Affiliate of the National Woodland Owners Association. The Indiana Forest and Woodland Owners Association (IFWOA) is a trade association of Indiana woodland owners who believe stewardship is important. It is independent of any other group, association or government agency. That independence keeps IFWOA focused, dedicated and devoted to its founding principles of promoting the stewardship of Indiana woodlands. IFWOA is a tireless advocate of all Indiana woodland owners at the state legislature lobbying for programs and regulations that will encourage and allow wood-land ownership for the purpose of recreation, timber production, timber harvests, and wild life habitat.

When you join IFWOA you receive:

A subscription to our 16 page newsletter "Leaves & Limbs" three times a year.

A subscription to the newsletter of the industry, "The Woodland Steward".

Optional membership in the National Woodland Owner Association of which IFWOA is affiliated.

Representation by the IFWOA Political Action Committee (PAC), the purpose being to raise funds with which to help elect to the Indiana State Legislature men and women who either share the values of IFWOA or who are open-minded about the philosophies, programs, values, and operating techniques of the IFWOA.

The opportunity to meet and share ideas, concerns, and experiences with some of the most knowledgeable and progressive woodland owners in the entire country.

Information about tours to various forests, lumber mills, and woodlots to see forestry practices in action.

IFWOA sponsors the Charles Dean Award (see website)

IFWOA backs the Project Learning Tree Program, IDNR-Forestry

A directory of Indiana’s Professional Foresters

A directory of Indiana’s Professional Loggers

The opportunity to attend periodic field days to learn first-hand about new forestry techniques. An invitation to attend IFWOA’s annual weekend convention.

An invitation to attend several seminars each year on timely and informative issues.

A web-site to visit at www.inwoodlands.org

All members of IFWOA are automatically members at no extra charge of the Indiana Forest Education Foundation (IFEF), a non-profit organization formed in 1983 for the purpose of receiving contributions to help meet the challenges of the future through the funding of forestry education programs, educational scholar-ships in forestry management, and promoting responsible stewardship of our timberlands.

When you join IFWOA as either a Forest Landowner or an Associate Member, $5.00 of your dues is donated to IFEF. If you desire to be a Life Member, $50.00 of your dues is donated to IFEF. All donations to IFEF are tax deductible as a charitable donation.

In order to promote educational projects, funds must be raised, and the IFEF auction, which is held each year at the IFWOA annual meeting, is currently one of the best fund-raisers. This benefit auction features many donated items ranging from homegrown produce to finely crafted wood furniture.

Other opportunities for giving are:

General Gifts  These gifts are used for the Foundation’s projects as determined by its Board of Directors.

Designated Gifts  The donor directs, as a condition of the gift, how it is to be used (e.g. a memorial scholarship or a particular piece of woodland).

Installment Gifts  The donor agrees to make annual contributions of a specific amount to fund a particular Foundation program, such a Project Learning Tree.

Bequest  Leaving a gift to the Foundation by will.

How to Give:

Current Gifts  Includes cash, checks, money orders, or drafts. Checks or money orders should be made payable to "Indiana Forestry Education Foundation", and mailed to the Foundation at 5578 S. 500 W., Atlanta, IN 46031-9363 c/o Warren Baird, Treasurer.

Real or Personal Property  Includes any type of real estate, whether commercial, residential or agricultural, along with equipment, art objects or collections. Contact the Foundation Office prior to making a gift of real or personal property by contacting IFEF President, Janet Egar at R 1 Box 45, Cannelburg, IN 46135, 812-644-7663 or e-mail - egerdr@dmrtc.net. A written description of the proposed gift property would be very helpful, along with its location in the case of real property.

Deferred Gifts  These gifts generally require careful planning by the donor and the Foundation to assure maximum benefit. Again, persons interested in making a Deferred Gift should contact the foundation president, Janet Egar. Examples of Deferred Gifts are trusts, life insurance, certain types of real property and bequests by will.

As our society continues to become further removed from the land and the products and benefits it produces, the greater the need to educate people on the importance of the wise use of those resources. IFEF is committed to finding new ways to fulfill its mission of informing and involving all users of the forests’ bounty on the management an appreciation of Indiana’s great forest resources. Please help the IFEF fulfill its mission by joining the Indiana Forest and Woodland Owners Association and getting involved.
