Summer 2002 Volume II, Number 2
In Memory of Paul Jaquess
On May 13, 2002, the forestry community lost one of its greatest supporters, Paul Jaquess. Paul was a tireless supporter of forest stewardship in Indiana. He conducted himself and managed his tree form in a way that epitomized everything we stand for here at the Woodland Steward Institute.
Paul played a very active role in many organizations and events in support of forest stewardship. He was an active member or participant in the Indiana Woodland Owners Assoc., Tree Form, The Christmas tree Growers Assoc., Four Rivers RC&D, and hosted numerous tours on his tree farm over the years. For many years, one of Paul's favorite activities was to host annual tours of his tree form by all of the fifth graders in Gibson County. During this week-long event, Paul was in the height of his glory as hundreds of children walked his woodlands as foresters and other conservationist, including Paul, explained the importance of managing forests, planting trees, and caring for our land and water resources. Due to his dedication, a whole generation of youngsters in his community has heard the message of forest stewardship.
Paul passed away at the age of 87 but was remarkably active up to the end. He loved to plant trees and was rarely seen in the spring without a planting bar in his hand. Even with failing health, he still managed to plant 600 trees this past spring. He was a great optimist ... lover of life and nature. He will be sorely missed but his stewardship legacy will remain alive through all those who were fortunate to cross paths with this remarkable man.