Fall 2001 Volume 10, Number 3


Stewart Turner

As I write this, the nation is in a turmoil because of the terrorist activity in New York and Washington DC. As the nation mourns it's loss I contemplate the forest landowners role in all of this. I know that we provide a valuable resource for our nation, this includes the raw wood products for building, furniture, paper, and many more products that are vital for our nation.

Our vast natural resources have made our notion the strongest in the world. We have all the wood fiber that we would ever need, much of which is grown on our very own private land. Forest landowners provide a vital resource for this wonderful free nation. Don't let anyone ever tell you different.

This post year has been very busy for the Woodland Steward Institute. We have been active in inviting Soil and Water Conservation Districts throughout the state to join our organization and providing the newsletter to their constituents. So for 33counties have come on board and we have been able to broad-en our subscription list.

We have also steadily increased the number of hits on our web site. In 1999 we started the page in June and still had 6,732hits for the year. In the year 2000 we had 15,392 hits and this year (2001) we have had 12,714 hits as of the middle of September! We also started an e-mail subscription list to notify people when the newsletter has been updated on the web, so far we have over 100 subscribers.

In order to increase our mailing of the newsletter we have increased our dues to our partners by 25%. This has allowed us to increase our mailings by 10,000 people. Our number one goal is to have as many Indiana forest landowners view our newsletter as possible. Last year we had 25,000 subscribers, this year we are mailing to 36,500 people. It is our belief that the information contained in our newsletter can help forest landowners manage their forest, thus making a significant contribution to our society.

Another revenue source are the voluntary contributions made by you, our subscribers. Each year many of you contribute generously to help us to continue to expand the mailing. Your contributions help to offset the cost of printing and mailing. Any donation will be greatly appreciated and can be made using the envelope enclosed or by mailing it to the treasure of the Woodland Steward Institute at P.O. Box 216, Butlerville, IN47223.

We have enclosed a contribution envelope for your continued support of our efforts. Please consider an amount that will enhance our goals.

As we face a new year remember to keep hope alive and your trees growing straight. Continue to spread the word of sound forest management.
