RMZ's are areas next to rivers, streams, lakes, open water wetlands and sinkhole openings where forest management practices are modified and special care is taken to protect water quality and sensitive natural resources. RMZ's are designed to protect water quality by filtering eroded soil particles, moderating stream temperatures, and stabilizing soils. (Note: springs are considered as streams).


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NOTE: The Indiana Flood Control Act (lC 14-28-1) applies to all streams with a watershed greater than one square mile (640 acres) and prohibits the placement of tree tops in stream channels and their floodways which may unduly restrict its flood carrying capacity. Additional federal, state and local regulations may also apply (e.g. Federal Emergency Management Agency flood areas).

NOTE: If operating in a wetland, follow the ADDITIONAL federal wetland guidelines.

NOTE: Local modification of RMZ widths may be necessary to reflect landowner objectives or unique conditions (e.g. soil type, flood hazard, vegetation present, cold water fisheries, season of use, scenic quality, importance of intermittent stream to municipal water supply.)
