Seedlings Sales and Demand at IDNR, Division of Forestry Nurseries for the 1998-1999 Season
by Jim Wichman, Nursery Supervisor, IDNR Division of Foresrty
The Vallonia State Nursery and Jasper-Pulaski State Nursery together have sold 5.5
million trees on 5100 orders.
At this time we are sold out of all species however, stock may become available throughout the season due to cancellations by customers on existing orders or cancellations for non-payment.
If you have an existing order and would like to obtain stock from cancellations, follow
these guidelines.
1.Call the nursery where you placed your
original order.
2. Ask for a clerk that can assist you with a tree order.
3. The clerk will give you the date of the next cancellation date for non-payments if the
stock you are wanting is not available when you call.
4. You may call back on the next cancellation date to see if the stock you are wanting has
become available.
If you would like to place a new order with either nursery, follow these guidelines.
1 . Obtain this years order form from:
A. Local County Agent
B. Our web site at
C. Either Nursery by calling
Vallonia Nursery of 812-358-3621
Jasper-Pulaski Nursery at 219-843-4827
*Note: The quickest and easiest way to obtain an order form is to visit
your local county agent or by visiting our web site.
2. Complete the order form and send it to the nursery of your choice.
3. Once you have completed steps 1 and 2, follow the guide lines listed above for existing
Using a random sample of 30% of the orders received in the lottery, demand was projected to be 6.3 million for these orders. Approximately 1,000 orders were received after the lottery. These orders would have required about 1 million additional seedlings to fill them as requested. Therefore, overall demand is estimated to be between 7 or 8 million seedlings.
Species that sold out early were as follows:
Bur Oak Swamp
White Oak
Cherrybark Oak
Shumard Oak
Most of the Conifer Species
White Oak
In many cases, we have increased seed collection for these species with the desired result
being an increased supply for next year. The conifers require 2 or 3 years to produce a
shippable seedling therefore, increases in supply will not be evident for 2 or 3 years.
Species-Age Class 5900
Northern White Cedar 3-0 1750
Red Pine 3-0 12700
White Pine 3-0 39300
White Pine 2-0 273700
Eastern Red Cedar 2-0 16800
Virginia Pine 1-0 41000
Pitch x Loblolly Pine 1 -0 61700
Black Cherry 1-0 48800
Black Gum 1-0 16400
Black Locust 1-0 66300
Black Oak 1-0 92500
Black Walnut -0 324000
Bur Oak 1-0 101200
Cherrybork Oak 1-0 88250
Chinkapin Oak 1-0 69700
European Black Alder 1-0 42400
Green Ash 1-0 418200
Pecan 1-0 94100
Persimmon 1-0 150700
Pin Oak 1-0 102300
Red Oak 1-0 369900
River Birch 1-0 78600
Scarlet Oak 1-0 19000
Shumard Oak 1-0 86900
Silver Maple 1-0 29100
Swamp Chestnut Oak 1-0 124550
Swamp White Oak 1-0 33300
Sweetgum 1-0 39100
Sycamore 1-0 44000
Tuliptree 1-0 135950
White Ash 1-0 197450
White Oak 1-0 190700
Overcup Oak 1-0 36500
Shingle Oak 1-0 29400
Bald Cypress 123600
Osage Orange 38300
Sawtooth Oak 23800
Black Oak 19800
Shagbark Hickory 5500
Sugar Maple 17500
Bitternut Hickory 2500
Arnot Bristly Locust 13600
Bicolor Lespedezo 58700
Buttonbush 3300
Flowering Crabapple 47100
Northern Bayberry 9300
Redbud 41300
Silky Dogwood 54800
Washington Hawthorn 41900
Ninebark 13400
Pawpaw 22100
Black Chokecherry 10800
Current Sales -Vallonia Nursery 3829450
Species-Age Class 24700
Northern White Cedar 3-0 3100
Red Pine 3-0 11000
White Pine 3-0 62400
White Pine 2-0 175850
Eastern Red Cedar 2-0 9200
Virginia Pine 1-0 6500
Pitch x Loblolly Pine 1-0 5600
Black Cherry I -0 90300
Black Gum I -0 2300
Black Locust I -0 2900
Black Oak I -0 15700
Black Walnut I -0 164500
Bur Oak I -0 51700
Cherrybark Oak 1-0 900
Chinkapin Oak 1-0 33000
European Black Alder 1-0 600
Green Ash 1-0 90900
Pecan 1-0 13800
Persimmon 1-0 12000
Pin Oak 1-0 27200
Red Oak 1-0 186900
River Birch 1-0 21700
Scarlet Oak 1-0 4300
Shumard Oak 1-0 14700
Silver Maple 1-0 60500
Swamp Chestnut Oak 1-0 11000
Swamp White Oak 1-0 4200
Sweetgum 1-0 9700
Sycamore 1-0 15200
Tuliptree 1-0 57700
White Ash 1-0 74100
White Oak 1-0 88600
Overcup Oak 1-0 1600
Shingle Oak 1-0 5000
Bald Cypress 20100
Osage Orange 200
Sawtooth Oak 1400
Black Oak 14400
Shagbark Hickory 4000
Sugar Maple 26800
Bitternut Hickory 900
Arnot Bristly Locust 2600
Bicolor Lespedeza 26400
Buttonbush 4700
Flowering Crabapple 50700
Northern Bayberry 13200
Redbud 36500
Silky Dogwood 32000
Washington Hawthorn 14600
Ninebark 12200
Pawpaw 15700
Black Chokecherry 48100
Current Sales -Jasper-Pulaski Nursery 1683850