Spring 2008
volume 17 No. 1
Find us online
The Indiana Woodland Steward is more than just a newsletter.
Visit us on the Web at www.inwoodlands.org. The Web site contains more information than can be found in the printed newsletter. The Web site includes information about technical assistance, a forestry glossary, insect and disease information, tree identification, past articles and a special section for teachers, as well as options to sign up for an e-mail version of the newsletter, special forestry announcements and a way to donate to the Indiana Woodland Steward using PayPal.Tired of waiting for the printed copy of the newsletter to show up in your mailbox?
Simply sign up for the electronic email version of the newsletter, and when the newsletter is published, an e-mail will be sent directly to your inbox notifying you the newsletter is available and ready to read online. A copy can be sent to your desktop printer, or you can read the newsletter right on the Web, if you prefer. Sign up at www.inwoodlands.org.
Looking for a forestry field day?
Sign up online and the Indiana Woodland Steward Institute will send you e-mail announcements for forestry field days, conservation events and educational opportunities for landowners. If you would like to receive these updates, sign up at www.inwoodlands.org.
More than 95 percent of the money donated to the Indiana Woodland Steward Institute
goes directly to publish the newsletter. Some years it is very hard to publish the number of newsletters that we would like to due to funding issues. Usually one issue per year is published entirely from donations from our readers. The Web site provides an easy way for you to make donations with a credit card through PayPal, any donation is greatly appreciated. To make a donation to the Indiana Woodland Steward Institute, find the link at www.inwoodlands.org.Past
Woodland Steward issues are archived on the Web site making it easy and convenient to find past articles and information that appeared in the Woodland Steward newsletter.The Woodland Steward newsletter is just the tip of the forest information iceberg. Visit www.inwoodlands.org and explore the extensive resources available to anyone interested in forest management in Indiana.