Spring 2007


This issue of Woodland Steward includes a flyer entitled “Keep a Lookout for New Invasive Plants in the Midwest!” The flyer highlights 16 invasive plant species that are new arrivals to the Midwest, providing color photographs and descriptions to help you identify these species. The flyer also includes range maps showing the distribution of each species in the Midwestern U.S. and southern Ontario. The maps indicate whether a species is not yet reported for Indiana or whether populations are isolated, locally abundant, or widespread. Please keep an eye out for these species on your land and report any sightings to the Purdue Plant and Pest Diagnostic Lab, Purdue University at 765-494-7071 or email pppl@purdue.edu or call 1-866-NOEXOTIC.

These species should be eradicated from your property whenever possible to prevent them from spreading and threatening the health of Indiana forests. If you would like more copies of this flyer, please contact Kate Howe, Midwest Invasive Plant Network at khowe@tnc.org of 317-951-8818. Copies can also be downloaded and printed from the Midwest Invasive Plant Network website at http://www.mipn.org/detectionresponse.html


